Simple Butler Service to Automate Everyday Tasks

Simple Butler Service to Automate Everyday Tasks

I've been working on something new that I'm calling Simple Butler Service. It's a backend service designed to help streamline some of my everyday tasks.

The goal is to continuously expand SBS by adding more services and supporting various input and output methods, like interacting via SMS and having results either emailed back or stored in a database of my choice.

Here are two specific problems I wanted to solve:

1. Managing Receipts

The Problem: Every year, as tax season rolls around, I find myself frantically looking through emails and apps to track down tax-deductible expenses. It’s always such a mess. It's like a scavenger hunt, except the prize is just getting my taxes done. So last night, inspired by the annual hassle, I thought, "Why not make this easier for next year?"

The Solution: The idea was to create a system that automatically sorts and logs my receipts as they hit my inbox. With Simple Butler Service, I forward my receipts to a special email address. The service uses Postmark to process the incoming emails, and OpenAI to extract key details like the vendor, amount, and date. These details are then automatically logged into Airtable using the Airtable API. When it’s time to do my taxes, all I or my accountant need to do is check out a single, tidy file. This not only saves time but also reduces the stress and confusion that often accompanies tax preparation.

2. Transcribing Audio Notes

The Problem: I frequently take voice notes using my iPhone's native Voice Memos app. I've tried using ChatGPT and other services like Otter that offer live recording, but they aren't always reliable, especially with background noise when walking the streets of NYC or Bangkok. Plus, those services don’t allow pausing, which can be inconvenient. The Voice Memos app lets me pause and resume recordings, making it perfect for capturing thoughts on the go. However, finding and organizing these notes later can be a hassle.

The Solution: With Simple Butler Service, I can email my audio recordings directly from the Voice Memos app. The service uses Postmark to process the incoming email, then AssemblyAI to transcribe the audio, and Resend to email the transcription back to me. This setup provides a convenient and searchable record of my notes. Eventually, I plan to store these transcriptions in a searchable database, making it even easier to find and reference past notes.

The code for Simple Butler Service is available on GitHub if you'd like to check it out or even contribute. It's a work in progress, but it's already making my life a bit easier. You can find it here.

Feel free to give it a try, and let me know if you have any suggestions or improvements!